Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Soaking grains and such...

I am sweeping through the pantry and fridge shelves to make use of what we have and have decided to share from where I am. If I ever find the many scribbled, copied, scanned, and hand given recipes and kitchen tutorials I have been saving to share here - I will share away. I've been far too much the perfectionist and wanted to have themed posting, pretty formatting, relevant pictures and so on.
Alas! I must serve from the humble place I am standing (and cooking, cleaning, soaking, simmering, and blending) or risk neglecting to share at all.

Here we go.
Recently, I cleaned the work table from our previous kitchen (now in the garage a couple doors from my kitchen) and got it ready for ... well, work. The dehydrator is set up and all nine trays are cleaned and ready to dry garden produce, farmer's market sells, and sprouted grains for milling healthy flours. I found my Kamut, hard winter white, hard winter red, soft pastry and a small bucket of spelt.

Last night, I soaked a mixture to make pancakes with today (didn't care for it but I might have modified it too much) and soaked some for whole grain bread, have some spelt sprouting to dry, and two kinds of grains are soaking to sprout.

We had these pancakes this morning:

Vegan, Soaked Whole Grain, Sugar-free Pancakes!
The night before making pancakes:
Make vegan "buttermilk" with:
3T apple cider vinegar
3 cups rice, almond, or soy milk
Whisk and let sit 5 minutes.
Then whisk into:
3 cups whole grain flour.You might be able to use brown rice flour to make them gluten-free...
Cover and let sit overnight.
The morning of:
Measure and mix into flour and "buttermilk" mixture from night before:
1/4 cup baking powder (yes! lol)
1 tsp sea salt
1/4 cup grapeseed or "light-tasting" olive oil
1 tsp liquid stevia
1 tsp vanilla extract 
Cook in a cast iron skillet greased up with coconut oil over medium-low heat. 
Now I want to figure out how to make all-natural sugar-free imitation maple syrup... I'm thinking xylitol, maple extract, and water... 
In a hurry but plan to share how the bread turns out later today! 

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